Planning the Mega city in a the age of extreme climate events : Michel St Pierre, Director of Planning , Gensler -Part 2
About:”Battling the Sea Level Rise”
Most debates on Climate change are often focused on Mitigation and very little attention has been given to adapting to climate change. The ongoing California Climate Adaptation Strategy Draft is among the first example of a tactical plan for action by a government agency to adapt to extreme climate events and sea-level rise.
This issue is of great importance in developing world cities which are often characterized by extreme poverty; and these poor communities will be most vulnerable to any potential extreme climate events. The forum held in University of California, Berkeley explored strategies that addressed the impact of sea level rise and extreme climate events.
About: Michel St. Pierre , Director of Master Planning and Urban Design, Gensler
As the Master Planning and Urban Design Practice Area Leader for Gensler’s Northwest Region and Asia, Michel brings 25 years of professional international experience in all phases of master planning, urban design and architecture, from initial concept design to preparation of final plan documents. Michel’s experience represents a broad range of project types and functions. Michel often serves as a guest critic in the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California in Berkeley. His work has received numerous awards, including an AIA Urban Design Award of Excellence and a Progressive Architecture Citation.
Educational Background
Bachelor of Architecture, Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Master of Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University
Master of Science in Historic Preservation, Columbia University, New York
Graduate Studies in Urban Planning, Technische Hogeschool Delft, The Netherlands
photo credit: inyucho